Performance Arts


KSA Events

Our Program

Experience the thrill of national choral competition with KSA Events. Our choral competitions bring together the best high school choral groups from across the country for an unforgettable performance experience. Featuring expert judges, world-class venues, and a diverse range of competitors, our competitions are the ultimate showcase for choral talent. Whether you're a singer, a director, or a fan, our competitions are not to be missed. Learn more and sign up today!


KSA Events is proud to partner with some of the most prestigious adjudicated and performance based destinations in the nation. Whether you are looking for a competitive performance atmosphere or a group bonding experience, we are able to customize the exact experience you are trying to achieve. Some of the trips and itinerary we provide are included below:

New England culture mixed with the spirit of the Boston Pops

Light up the Magnificent Mile and embrace the jazz, soul, and blues heritage

The birthplace of vibrant music and host to an entertainment scene covering a wide variety of musical genres.

Perform at the most magical place on Earth!

Hit up the West Coast for sites, sounds, and attractions of SoCal

Destination options are endless. You tell us where you want to go and we will create the itinerary.

Performance Opportunities

Present a piece of music or other variation of entertainment alongside Mickey or Minnie. Your practice will pay off as you perform your heart out with your fellow singers.


Attend a 2 1/2 hour program in which your group is evaluated by a professional performer on skills, fundamentals and attitude. The musical piece being rehearsed is selected based on your group’s ability. Learn and develop by examining diverse musical styles and requirements related to different performance environments. If you are visiting Walt Disney World on your trip, you will even have the opportunity to study music and choreography straight from Disney musical productions.

What We Do

KSA Events was put together by coaches and athletic directors. We have organized our tournaments to be coach friendly. Any traveling team can tell you that organizing any group trip can be overwhelming. We set up travel packages so you can concentrate on coaching. We handle all arrangements for your team, coaches and families.


Take the stage and perform at the highest caliber. Practice times and judged performances will comprise the basis of your trip. Allow your ensembles performance, presentation, and visual enhancement techniques to shine in a destination city.


KSA Events was founded as a non-profit to promote the educational aspects of group participation. Our priority is to teach students about commitment, goal setting, teamwork, bonding, travel and competition to inspire continuing education.

We offer an opportunity for students to grow as individuals. Our hope is to reward hard work and bring excitement to high school programs.

Team Travel and Fundraising

For all information regarding team travel and fundraising, click the link below. We will help guide you through all the necessary steps to make this easy for your team, coaches, friends and family to be involved. Also provided is information on how your school can raise the funds to make this once in a lifetime experience come true.

How To